Friday, November 20, 2009

First Haircut

Here are a few photos of Andrew's first haircut. Yes at 7 months old he had to get his haircut and as you can see in the first photo it was very necessary. Overall, he did well and had plenty of toys to distract him. Thanks Sandy.

Attack of the inanimate objects

As most of you know Andrew just began crawling. While he is doing quite well, there have been a few obstacles that have tried to stop him. Here are a couple.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa come to visit.

Here are a few photos of when Grandma and Grandpa Fallon came to visit. We had a great time playing and going places. We will be sad to see them go on Wednesday. Thanks for coming down to AZ. Grammy and Grampy.

First Photos

We officially got Andrew's first photos done professionally. Since Andrew is six months old now we figured it was time. We had a great time and Andrew did so good. It only took ten minutes and we had all the photos we needed. Here are just a few that we had taken.

Sweet Success

We went to a Harvest Festival at our church last night and there was a cake walk there. We had to extra tickets so we decided to take Andrew on the cake walk. It was a good thing we did because he won! So here are a couple of pictures with him and his winnings in the form of cupcakes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our Little Jumping Bean

Here is Andrew in his new jumping toy. We realized he needed this item when he began jumping on us! He can really make the thing fly.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

To Eat or Not to Eat? That is the question.

This was Andrew's first experience with rice cereal. This incident was about a month ago so now he is an old pro at eating his "big boy" food. But this day brought many laughs. We only wished we could have gotten this on video.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mr. Five Month Old

I have been asked by several people to see pictures of Andrew. It is difficult for me to keep up on sending pictures so I created this blog so all can see as he grows. So here is my first attempt at creating a post.

Here is Andrew at age five months. He is growing like a weed. He is just beginning to roll over and is all over the place. We now have to watch him like a hawk!

He is a complete joy. We love to watch him as he learns new things. He is a sweet baby with lots of love to give.